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African Data Hub for the Study of Democracy
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Selection of research questions: Political culture
Community system
How did statehood come into being in a given country? Through:
Long-term independent developments and peaceful integration?
Violent conflicts and peace agreements
External or colonial imposition?
Which of the above applies to South Africa?
To what extent the historical route to statehood affects the sense of “national” identity?
What political implications have the racial, ethnic, religious and regional identities in South Africa?
Do the persisting socio-economic inequalities impact the quality of democracy in South Africa?
In what way does this manifest?
Socio-cultural system
How strong are authoritarian as opposed to participatory traditions in South Africa?
What is the level of religiosity as opposed to secular orientations in the country?
Is the South African society:
Open to diversity
What is the level of social trust, social and political tolerance?
What is the level of political interest and political information?
What is the predominant pattern of elite recruitment?
Inheritance of positions
Specific social groups
Social class
Individual achievement
Who are the major political opinion leaders in South Africa?
Traditional/religious authorities
Media personalities
Party leaders
Public intellectuals
Economic system
Are there strong materialist (survival) or post-materialist (self-expression) orientations?
Is there a high level of economic achievement orientation?
Is there a high level of work ethic?
Is there a high level of economic satisfaction or dissatisfaction?
How does the level of economic satisfaction of dissatisfaction affect
specific support
for elites?
Political system
To what extent do the dramatic experiences of apartheid authoritarian oppression play a role in the collective memory of South Africans?
To what extent has the Truth and Reconciliation Commission helped to deal with the past during democratic transition and transformation?
Are political leaders seen as competent in doing their job?
Are political leaders regarded as having personal integrity?
External relations
Do South Africans view neighbouring countries with friendliness or hostility?
Do South Africans regard the United States with friendliness or hostility?
Do South Africans regard China with friendliness or hostility?
Do South Africans regard the European Union with friendliness or hostility?
What is the identification of South Africans with the rest of Africa?
What is the identification of South Africans with the rest of the world?
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Datasets and recommended reading
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Part 3:
User’s guide
Selection of research questions: Political institutions
Selection of research questions: Political culture
Datasets and recommended reading
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